

Monday, November 03, 2014

A few days ago, my husband and I celebrated our second year wedding anniversary.  It has been two wonderful years since our wedding day and I must say that my decision to marry Ronnie is one of the best things I've ever done in my entire lifetime.  Those people who knew me personally might have found themselves surprised upon knowing about my wedding because my husband and I have only been a couple for less than two years before  we decided to finally tie the knot.

I am not an expert when it comes to love and relationships but I knew in my heart, the moment Ronnie became my boyfriend, that he is the man I'm going to marry someday.  If you have been following this blog, you would know that I prayed for "signs" in order for me to find Mr. Right.  It may have took a decade before my prayers had been answered but it's fine.  My husband was definitely worth the wait anyway!

I may have been blessed to identify Mr. Right with the help of divine intervention, but if in case I was not, I would still marry him because along our journey as boyfriend and girlfriend, I was able to take note of several characteristics that he possesses which made me realize, he's "the one.


1.  He makes me happy (and I want to make him happy too).  I have had a few serious relationships before I finally met my husband, but he was the ONLY person who has made my life happier.  I don't actually know how he does it, but he never fails to put a smile on my face every single day.  Everything just feels right whenever I'm with him.  It sounds cliche, I know.  But it's true. It's hard to explain, you would just feel it in your heart that he's the one.  Trust your instinct!

"Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own" - R. Heinlein

2.  He is trustworthy. This is one of the most important things that I consider essential in order to have a successful relationship.  Also, this is one trait that I love most about him.  He never tell lies.  He would always choose to tell me the truth even if he knew I would end up being disappointed.  I'm sorry to say this (Bato bato sa langit, ang tamaan wag magalit), but there are just a lot of guys out there who are such professional liars.  I cannot even imagine how they can pretend to appear innocent without their conscience bugging them.  Rihanna's song is just perfect for this topic, and it goes something like this:  "And the award for the best liar goes to you..."  I may sound a little bitter and probably getting off the topic, but what I'm just trying to say is that an honest man is like a Goliath frog; not because he would turn into a prince once kissed by a real princess, but because he is considered an endangered species.  So if you happen to have found one, never let him go!

"But better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie." - Khaled Hosseini

3.  He respects me.  Is chivalry dead?  I used to believe so.  In a world where hook up is becoming more rampant, (what did ever happen to today's generation???) it's no longer surprising that it would really be a big challenge to find a REAL gentleman.  Hear me, ladies.  A gentleman does not only come in the form of a man opening the door for you or doing other similar gestures.  A real gentleman is someone who would understand, respect, and uphold the values that you believe in.  In addition, he is someone who would know your worth and treat you the way you deserve to be treated - with utmost respect.  A man who knows how to respect a woman is a true gentleman.  Again, they're considered endangered species.  So if you happen to have found one, lucky you!

"Treat your girl like how you would want your dad to treat your mom, and how you would want your future son-in-law to treat your daughter." - Anonymous

4.  He accepts me for who I am.  I remember when we had our pre-cana seminar, the facilitator said that true love is a matter of acceptance.  It is impossible for us to find a perfect person because there's no such thing.  So find someone who can love you inspite and despite all your imperfections.  Because if you are hoping that one day, love can change the other person for the better, chances are, they won't.  Take it or leave it.  It's as simple as that.

5.  He is responsible.  Any woman in her proper state of mind, who is looking forward to having a lifetime commitment with her partner, would always choose a man who is hardworking, with a decent job, of good character, and financially literate.  As a woman, of course, I would want to marry a man who would be a responsible father and a good role model to our future children too.  I know that most, if not all women, share the same feeling too.  Unfortunately, these kind of men are hard to find and what you are most likely to encounter nowadays are the total opposite.  No wonder an article was published saying that many single men in the Philippines are unappealing. So if in case you happen to find one, you're blessed!

"Do not marry a man unless you would be proud to have a son exactly like him." - Anonymous

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