Friday, July 17, 2015Last weekend, our family spent an overnight stay at Pearl Marina Hotel. It was a random trip we didn't plan about. My husband, who was not so busy with work last Thursday, got extra time to search for affordable Ramadan hotel deals and called me to say we're going to Dubai the next day. I was actually surprised (knowing my husband is very 'kuripot') that he had thought of spending a few dirhams for a staycation just because. Nevertheless, I excitedly agreed!
It's been awhile since we went for a vacation. Honestly, I missed it. I miss the long drive especially those times when I used to take the passenger seat and just enjoy the ride while sitting next to my husband. Life is a LOT different now, I always had to take the back seat with Rafa, who hates being buckled up and would constantly throw tantrums whenever he wants to. Oh my, motherhood had really brought a drastic change into my life. It felt like I just lost control of everything the moment Rafael came. But I must admit, life is so much happier when we had him.
It was an hour and a half drive from Abu Dhabi to Dubai. We decided to drop by Dubai Mall to have lunch at the newly opened Jollibee. (Yup, you read it right! The food court in Dubai Mall is open even during the holy month of Ramadan! That's happiness to every non-Muslim who doesn't fast during the day.)
This food chain is really such a hit among OFWs! Imagine, we had to wait in line for more than one hour before we were able to take our lunch. It's crazy! Good thing we had breakfast before leaving home, so basically, we were not yet starving and still had enough patience to wait for the queue. (Confession: I am a very impatient person, especially when I'm hungry -- I have the tendency to turn into a monster. That's why my husband always makes sure that I'm well fed, so as to keep my cool.)
Eventually, our patience did pay off, we did get our order! I was very excited to finally have a taste of my favorite Jollibee! Unexpectedly, our excitement turned into a BIG disappointment upon seeing our meals -- it came in a very small serving size. Definitely not worth its price! I'm sorry to say this but really, Jollibee Dubai Mall is a BIG FAIL -- not worth your time, effort, energy and most especially, not worth your money! Save yourself from disappointment and just dine somewhere else.
Moving forward, after having lunch, we headed to our hotel which was about 15 minutes away from Dubai Mall. Pearl Marina Hotel is located along the marina bay giving their guests a magnificent view of the waterfront. If you've been following this blog, perhaps you already knew how much my husband loves the bay. So it's no longer surprising that he picked a hotel with a great bay view.
The view from the balcony of our room.
We had the one bedroom premiere unit with an overlooking view of the marina. The unit was spacious, having about 60 sq meters of floor area. It also has its own living and dining area and a fully equipped kitchen.
Rafa was so happy and excited with his new environment, he kept on running around every corner of the suite and explored every drawer and cabinet he saw.
What I love most about our room is the KING size bed! Every breastfeeding momma who is co-sleeping with their little one would definitely appreciate a bed with a generous space that's comfortable enough to fit a mommy, a daddy, and a baby.
After exploring our room, Rafa went swimming with his daddy. He obviously loved the pool and enjoyed the water!
That's the thing with having a baby, you cannot guarantee that the itinerary of the trip will be implemented as planned because kids tend to be grumpy whenever they get tired and sleepy. So just for the sake of keeping my sanity intact, I just decided to stay in the hotel and rest with Rafa. (Believe me, it's crazy to try to comfort an overtired child especially in public when people keep on staring at you because your child is screaming on top of his lungs.)
The next day, Rafa went to take one last dip on the pool before heading home. He really loves its warm water, he can stay hours in it even if he doesn't even know how to swim.
Well, aside from the pool, I guess he loves his dad more! Rafa is giving a thank you kiss to his dad for accompanying and playing with him! -- P R I C E L E S S ! ! !
Another thing I loved most about this hotel is their buffet breakfast. I was just not able to take a photo because I was too hungry and salivating already over delicious food to even take a single shot. Anyway, the buffet is not that extraordinary, in fact it's just the typical toast, omelette, sausage, Alfredo, and pancake type of breakfast. I guess I loved it because there's not so much Middle-Eastern food on the buffet table (maybe because it's Ramadan and Muslims do fast while the sun is up). Meaning, I can eat anything! Actually, I did eat almost everything they served, I was able to finish three plates of food just for breakfast! Don't mention it, I know! I'm so 'matakaw'!
Although we were not able to explore Dubai that much, I must say that I really had a great time with our short vacation. Just relaxing and sharing time with my loved ones without having to worry about a thing -- what's more precious than that? Nothing! None that I can think of.
Eid Mubarak! And have a great long weekend everyone!!!