

Thursday, October 16, 2014

"Grant us, O Lord, to be one heart and one soul from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

This was the prayer Ronnie and I recited almost two years ago when we exchanged marriage vows in Santisimo Rosario Parish Church.  The other night, he had the privilege to say this prayer once again, together with several other married couples who are also celebrating their wedding anniversary this month of October, in a marriage renewal mass conducted at St. Joseph's Cathedral.

Time flies so fast.  I can still remember the day when Ronnie and I became a couple, to the day I said "yes" to his marriage proposal, until we finally got married and had Rafael to complete our family.  Life has been a lot different since then.  To be honest, my life as a wife and as a mother has turned my world upside down.  Adjusting to my new role has never been so stressful.  I tried, I failed, I cried, got depressed but tried again.  Through all those difficult times, my husband has always been there giving me strength when I'm weak, comfort when I'm down, hope when I'm lost, and love when I can't hardly find any reason to love myself.  I could not be any more but grateful that he was given to me as a husband.  He is indeed my BETTER half.

I may have not had a successful career, tons of money to support a shopping spree, or the opportunity to travel and see the beauty of the world, but I will always be grateful that I was given the single, most precious gift of all - LOVE.  A happy and healthy family is the only thing that I've always wanted and I was blessed with it.  God has been really very generous in answering my prayers and I can't thank Him enough for giving me everything that I need.

I just hope and pray for His guidance that I may be able to be a good wife and mother; that I may be able to take care of my family, love them the way they knew love, and make them happy for as long as I live.  For me, this is all that matters.  Because in life, nothing else matters more than family.

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